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The meeting of theThematic Network of Black Holes and Gravitational Waves aims to present specialized talks on topics related to the network. As well as the interaction between national and foreign experts, in order to establish new collaborations between the participants who work actively in these areas of knowledge.

Information about the school can be seen in :



Place :

Located in front of an idyllic beach, within a large tourist complex, Iberostar Paraíso del Mar is flanked by the natural beauty of the Riviera Maya.



As in previous years, this year we will have a school and meeting of the Thematic Network, this time we are joining our efforts with the Division of Gravitation and Mathematical Physics of the Mexican Physical Society to make a single school allusive to the issues of Black Holes and Gravitational Waves. The event will take place at the Hotel Playa Paraíso in the City of Cancun, Quintana Roo, the school will be held from 5 to 9 continuing with the meeting November 9 and 10.

The objective of the school is to present the analytical, numerical and experimental bases for the detection of gravitational waves. The school is aimed at students in the last semesters of physics, mathematics, engineering and computing careers as well as national graduate students. The courses will be taught by national and foreign experts.


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School Program





  • Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute, Canada).

  • Mauricio Antelis (ITESM, México).

  • Luc Blanchet (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France).

  • Aaron Zimmerman (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Canada).




  • Status of HAWC observatory: Andrés Sandoval (IF-UNAM, México).

  • Seed Black Holes: Simona Gallerani (Scuola Normal Superiore di Pisa-Italy).

  • Cosmology from gravitational waves standard sirens: Daniel Holz (Stanford University-USA).

  • Effective field theory in gravity: Rafael Oporto (DESY, Hamburg).

  • Detector Network: Brian O'Reilley (LIGO, USA).

  • Gravitational Waves in inflation from a spinor fields: Mauricio Bellini (Univ. Nac. Rio de la Plata, Argentina).

  • TBA: Pierre-Henri Chavanis (Université Paul-Sabatier, France )

  • On necessary and sufficient conditions for strong hyperbolicity: Oscar Reula
    (Univ. Nac. de Córdoba, Argentina).

  • Exact ghost-free bigravitational waves: Eloy-Ayon-Beato (CINVESTAV-México).

  • Generalizations of boson stars and the scalar field dark matter modes: Argelia Bernal (Univ. de Guanajuato, México).

  • Gravitational Waves Network outreach: Guillermo Váldes (Loussiana University, USA).   

  • Efficient algorithm to search for gravitational waves from core collapse supernova: Soma Mukherjee (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA).

  • Detection and estimation of unmodeled gravitational waves chirps: Soumya D. Mohanty (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA).

  • Separation of binary stellar systems by tide forces of a supermassive black hole: Emilio Tejeda (IA, UNAM, México).

  • Multimessenger astronomy for core collapse supernovae: Michele Zanolin (Embry-Riddle aeronautical University, USA).

  • Status and future of the Thematic Network ANYOG: Claudia Moreno (Universidad de Guadalajara, México).



** Talk in conjunction with the ANYOG network workshop.



This year we have a limited number of support for travel expenses, we will keep them up to date with the request for them.






This event is funded by the Thematic Network of Vibrant Black Holes and Gravitational Wave Emission project CONACYT-UDG No. 294625-2018 and the Mexican Society of Physics.



Organizing Committee:

Román Linares (UAM-Itztapalapa)

Claudia Moreno González (UdG)
Darío Núñez Zúñiga (UNAM)

Olivier Sarbach (UMSNH)

Miguel Sabido (UG)

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