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Numerical methods and Numerical Relativity

Dr. Miguel Alcubierre Moya

Director del Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM, México.

Gravitational Waves detection using LIGO data

Dr. Javier M. Antelis Ortíz

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara, México.

Basic Principles of Gravitational Wave Physics

Dr. Juan Carlos Degollado Daza,

Instituto de Física, UNAM Cuernavaca, México.

Introduction to General Relativity

Dr. Darío Núñez Zúñiga,

Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM, México.

​Physical Principles of Laser Gravitational Wave Detectors

Dr. Malik Rakhmano

University of Texas Río Grande Valley, Texas, USA.


Reduced Order Modeling with applications to gravitational waves

Dr. Manuel Tiglio

Center for Computational Mathematics, San Diego Supercomputing Center, USA.


Invited talks:



Dark matter imprints in neutron stars

Dra. Argelia Bernal

Universidad de Guanajuato, León, México.

Electromagnetic counterpart of Gravitacional Waves

Dr. Ramiro Franco Hernández

Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México.

Gamma-ray emission from the coalescence of binary neutron stars: an electromagnetic counterpart of gravitational radiation

Dr. Néstor Ortiz Madrigal

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canadá.

AdS/CFT Correspondence, Entanglement and Condensed Matter Physics

Dr. Alexander Nesterov

Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, México.

The aLIGO gravitational-wave detector and beyond

Dr. Volker Quetschke (LIGO Scientific Collaboration)

University of Texas Río Grande Valley, Texas, USA.


Well-posed systems and hyperbolicity

Dr. Oscar Reula

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.


The Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy: Observational Evidence

Dr. Luis Felipe Rodríguez (Member of El Colegio Nacional)

Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica, UNAM, Morelia, México.


Organizing Committee:

Dra. Claudia Moreno González (UdeG)

Dr. Alexander Nesterov (UdeG)

Dr. Darío Núñez Zúñiga (UNAM)

Dr. Olivier Sarbach (UMSNH)

Circular 1

On 11 February 2016 the National Science Foundation and the leaders of collaboration LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) announced the first direct detection of gravitational signal. The signal was discovered dubbed GW150914 by date of September 14, 2015, it fits well with the waveform predicted by general relativity for the merger of two black holes. Although this discovery is yet con fi rmed through independent experiments (VIRGO or Kagra), the fact that the same signal has been discovered in the two LIGO detectors (which are separate 3,002 Km.) Almost simultaneously leaves very little doubt astrophysical origin of the detected signal. Detection of GW150914 is extremely important not only to provide a verified direct cation of the existence of gravitational waves, but also because it opens a new window in astronomy and offers the possibility to explore (or "hear") the universe completely new methods . The fact that the GW150914 signal fit the shape of calculated for the merger of two black holes wave, provides the first observation of a binary black hole system, where the two black holes, after turning around each other, merge and They form a single black hole. The fact that the signal matches the predictions of general relativity, implies strong evidence for validity in the regime where the gravitational interactions are strong and dynamic. Future observations with LIGO, VIRGO and Kagra should lead to further strong evidence of general relativity and the structure of black holes and binary black hole systems or neutron stars.


First Circular: Objective, information, courses and bases ERGOG

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